Trayler Privacy Statement - Trayler

Privacy Statement Trayler

This is the privacy statement of Trayler B.V., based in (Groningen) at (Bornholmstraat 80) and registered in the trade register under number (75907003). You can contact us in the ways described on our website

This Privacy Statement explains the ways in which Trayler B.V. processes personal data of data subjects, classified according to the various processing activities.

We attach great importance to everyone's privacy and therefore process personal data in accordance with the privacy regulations in force in the Netherlands and in the European Union. We also maintain a privacy administration and, as part of this, we keep track of our processing activities in a register of processing activities. Naturally, we use appropriate security measures, both organisational and technical, to ensure the security of personal data.

To whom does this Privacy Statement apply?
This Privacy Statement applies to all persons for whom Trayler processes personal data.

Below is an overview of the main categories:

  • Visitors to our website.
  • (Employees of) Trayler's customers.
  • Recipients of Trayler's newsletters and other mailings.
  • Potential customers of Trayler.
  • (Employees of) suppliers.
  • Third parties who communicate with Trayler.

What personal data does Trayler process?
Trayler processes personal data which you have provided to us yourself, personal data generated during your visit to our website and reading of newsletters and personal data which we have derived from other sources.

Personal data provided to Trayler by you:

  • Contact details and other personal data necessary for:
    - the performance of the agreement;
    - the provision of services; and/or
    - the supply of products.
  • Personal data provided by you to Trayler in the context of subscribed newsletters.

Personal data received via our website:

  • Data relating to your visit to our website;.
  • Data which you enter in the contact form.
  • Data concerning the device you used to visit our website, e.g. your IP address.
  • Your browsing behaviour and interests.

Personal data received from other sources:

  • Personal data received from public online sources such as company websites and Social Media platforms, such as LinkedIn.
  • Personal data obtained from the Trade Register of the Chamber of Commerce or Land Registry.

Depending on the services or products provided and functionalities you use on our websites, we may process the following personal data from you:

  • Name.
  • Address details.
  • Phone number.
  • Gender.
  • Date of birth.
  • Age.
  • E-mail address.
  • IBAN.
  • Company data.
  • Registration number
  • Function.
  • Information you enter yourself in the open field in the contact form.
  • Technical measurement data of the equipment such as IP address, identifiers in cookies and your surfing behaviour on our website.
  • Other personal data which you actively provide in correspondence and by telephone.

Why does Trayler process your personal data?
Trayler uses your personal data for various purposes:

  • To be able to provide information to you
  • To perform the contract and provide services to you
  • To communicate with you by sending e-mails, electronic newsletters and/or maiL
  • For the security, use and improvement of our website. For a more detailed explanation on this see ‘Cookies’ in this Privacy Statement.
  • To improve the quality of our own services
  • To comply with the law.

Security of your data
Trayler takes appropriate technical and organisational measures in order to secure your personal data against loss or against any form of unlawful processing. Persons who have access to your data on behalf of Trayler are obliged to maintain confidentiality. Trayler uses generally accepted industry standards of technological and operational security in order to protect personal data from loss, misuse, alteration or destruction. Trayler has also established a protocol for the (timely) reporting of data breaches.

If you have any questions about the security of your personal data, or if there are any indications of misuse, please contact us at ( or (050 23 40 085).

Engaging/sharing data with third parties
In certain cases it may be necessary for Trayler to give third parties access to personal data. Below is a, non-exhaustive, overview:

  • Third parties who are relevant to the services we provide or products we provide.
  • Third parties, such as regulators and other bodies, to comply with our legal obligations.
  • External suppliers in connection with the processing of your personal data for the purposes described in this Privacy Statement, such as ICT suppliers and communication service providers.

Transfers of your personal data to the above third parties will be made only for the purposes set out in this Privacy Statement.

Third parties to whom we provide your personal data may themselves be responsible for compliance with privacy legislation. In that case Trayler is neither responsible nor liable for the processing of your personal data by these third parties. To the extent that a third party processes your personal data in the capacity of a processor of Trayler and thus acts at Trayler's request and in accordance with Trayler's instructions, Trayler will enter into a processor's agreement with such third party which complies with the requirements defined in the Regulation.

Data outside the European Economic Area
With the exception of personal data obtained via Google Analytics, Trayler will not transfer personal data to a recipient in a country outside the European Union.

In the processing of personal data by Trayler, Trayler relies on several bases. Data processing may be necessary for the performance of an agreement (to provide services or products) which we have concluded or necessary for the performance of a legal duty. In some cases we ask for your explicit consent, for example for the use of certain cookies, or, if you are not a customer, the receipt of commercial communications.

Finally, there are processing operations based on a legitimate interest of Trayler, such as processing in the context of internal management, for the purpose of effective communication, quality improvement or direct marketing processing for customers and active contacts of Trayler. In the latter case an opt-out is offered at all times.

Retention periods
Trayler does not retain your personal data for longer than is necessary. That is, we retain the data for as long as is necessary for the purposes specified in this privacy statement. As soon as you no longer purchase any services or products from us and/or no longer use our website, no obligations exist between you and us, your personal data will be deleted as soon as possible. Exceptions to this are data that we need to keep for longer because the law requires us to do so. These include the statutory retention period of 7 years.

Automated decision-making and profiling
Trayler does not make decisions about things which could (significantly) affect you on the basis of automated processing.

No ‘profiling’ takes place at Trayler.

Your rights
You can request Trayler to have your data corrected, supplemented, deleted or blocked if the data is incomplete, incorrect or processed in breach of a legal requirement. You also have the right to request the data we hold on you. The aforementioned rights can only be exercised with regard to your own personal data. You are not allowed to exercise these rights in respect of other people's personal data. Trayler may ask you for further identification for this purpose.

You also have the right to object to the processing of your personal data. Trayler will not stop processing if it is legally obliged to do so or if other compelling legitimate grounds for processing exist which outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms or which are connected with the establishment, exercise or substantiation of a legal claim.

The aforementioned rights can be exercised by you by contacting Trayler by e-mail or by telephone at (, or (050 23 40 085). You can also send a letter to Trayler's address: (Bornholmstraat 80, 9723 AZ in Groningen).

Don't want to receive any more newsletters or e-mails from us? You can unsubscribe free of charge at any time at (

Complaints procedure
At Trayler we value the quality of our work and our customers' satisfaction with our services. To this end we carry out regular surveys and use the results to improve our service continuously. If in your case something has not gone to plan, please raise it with your contact person at Trayler. For more information please contact us at or 050 23 40 085. You also have the right and option at any time to submit a complaint about Trayler's processing of personal data to the Personal Data Authority at

Privacy Statement subject to change
Trayler reserves the right to modify or amend this Privacy Statement, for example if changes in processing operations occur or if regulations change. Trayler will bring any major changes to your attention. Nothing in this Privacy Statement is intended to create any obligation or agreement between Trayler and any visitor to this Internet site or to provide any information in that context.

In order to ensure proper use of our website and to facilitate improved navigation for our visitors, Trayler uses cookies so that aggregate data can be collected. Cookies are small text files stored in the user's browser.

For cookies that are not necessary for the use of the website, we require your consent. Upon the first visit to the website, your unambiguous consent to the use of cookies is requested. You can set your browser so that you do not receive non-functional cookies while visiting the website. These privacy terms apply only to Trayler's use of cookies. The use of cookies and other techniques used by third parties is subject to their own privacy conditions.

You can opt out of cookies by setting your internet browser to stop storing cookies. In addition, you can also delete any information previously stored via your browser's settings.

You can find out which cookies Trayler uses in our cookie statement.

Use of Google Analytics
Trayler uses Google Analytics to gain insight into, among other things, visitor flows, traffic sources and page views on our website. This means that Google acts as a processor in the processing of personal data by Trayler. Trayler has therefore concluded a processor agreement with Google.

Information collected by Google Analytics is anonymised as far as possible. Trayler does not, for example, gain insight into which individual visitors make which visits to our website. Google will never process your full IP address and always masks the last octet of your IP address.

The information obtained is stored by Google on servers in the USA. Google is party to the EU - US Privacy Shield treaty of the US Department of Commerce. Google may only provide your information to third parties if Google is legally required to do so, or to the extent that third parties process the information on Google's behalf. For more information, please read Google's Privacy Policy.

If you wish to contact us as a result of this Privacy Statement, please use the contact details below.

 Telephone (+ 050 23 40 085)
Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
 E-mail Via
 Post Trayler B.V.
Bornholmstraat 80
9723 AZ in Groningen

This Privacy Statement was last updated on 1 June 2023.

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