get the most from your lorry advert: 4 important tips for your brand!
Lorry advertising offers a unique way to increase visibility and promote brand awareness. Not a static billboard, but a Moving Billboard that is seen by thousands of road users every day. Thousands? That's millions of potential customers every year. With one trailer advert you can easily reach more than 5 million people per year. It is important to make an immediate impression on such a wide audience. But what do you need to consider when using lorry advertising? Read on, discover and implement!
1. Make billboards part of your marketing mix
When you use out-of-home (OOH) advertising, bus shelters, digital billboards along the motorway or shop signs can form part of your marketing mix. This strengthens your online advertising, your television commercial and/or your radio spot.
Have you ever thought about billboards and Moving Billboards? With this type of OOH advertising you're permanently visible on the street. While regular forms of billboarding often provide a temporary boost in your brand awareness and visibility, lorry advertising reaches millions of people every year. Year after year. So you can decide whether you want to use it for three or five years. We can never guarantee you'll achieve your branding marketing objective(s) with your Moving Billboard(s) alone. That's the power of repetition. It gives your visibility and brand awareness a huge boost and can also strengthen your other channels. You're more likely to stand out, because your target group has seen that before. So don't make lorry advertising a standalone tool but integrate it into your marketing mix. For example, you can feature the lorry in your TV commercial, show it on social media with creative content that goes viral or have it appear on location at an event or open house. You can even turn it into a pop-up store at a location of your choice. Unique and mega effective!

2. Consistency in your advertising message
By being consistent in your advertising message and expressions, you build the recognisability of your brand and create trust among potential customers. As you’ve certainly heard before: consistency is key. Your moving billboard can therefore be fully immersed in your corporate identity and must fit seamlessly with your other advertising communications. Be critical, because this isn’t a temporary billboard with a message you’ll adapt next month. You want it to be a prominent advert for your brand with the goal of expanding reach and awareness.
Create a simple yet recognisable design.
Make sure your design is simple and effective. Less is more! Your graphic designer can design the logo, slogan and maybe a call to action in the form of your URL (like The Brownie Box) on the side. The back is generally viewed the longest, so you can adapt your design accordingly. In addition to your logo and slogan, there’s also space here to activate people using your URL, social media links or a hashtag. You may also want to provide more information about your services and/or products by, for example, showing your service or product categories. But we only recommend this if your brand name doesn’t immediately make it clear what you do.

3. Three types of lorry advertising
Trayler has three types of lorry advertising: cabinet, refrigerated and taut. Cabinet and refrigerated transport lorries are stickered. The stickers cannot be reused. The tautliners work differently. With tautliners, the lorries have tarpaulins. An important difference because the tarpaulins can be reused. If sustainability is one of your brand’s important pillars, then tautliners are the best choice. The tarpaulins are sustainably produced and you always remain the owner. So they can be recycled or turned into new products in the future: unique bags, purses, tent canvases, bicycle bags, etc.
4. Determine your reach and coverage area
Lorry advertising guarantees a wide reach. But as a marketer, you know where your target group is. For example, do you know your target group is mainly located in the Randstad and you want to increase your visibility frequency there? Or would you prefer to work on your visibility in provinces where there’s still a lot of potential? Think about this before you start implementing lorry advertising. Once you’ve determined your coverage area, we’ll start working on connecting one or more transport companies that perfectly match your wishes - in the Netherlands and/or Belgium. After all, the more Moving Billboards you have on the road, the wider your reach!
So, now you’ve got enough intel to include lorry advertising in your marketing mix. You know how to make lorry advertising part of your marketing mix, how to create a consistent message in your moving billboard, what types of trailers there are and how to determine your coverage area.
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